Generational Wealth MD

From 0 to STR Owners in 3 Months

Param Baladandapani MD

Last year Valerie & Zach had a Breakthrough year! 

Not only did they tie the knot ❤️- they also had a breakthrough year financially as they took massive action - 

They went from owning 0 real estate to 

• Joining the Fall cohort of our Real estate coaching program 
• becoming proud owners of a short term rental before the end of 2024 with raving guest reviews
• that allows them to shelter clinical income from taxes. 

So, as you set goals & build your Massive Action plan for this year, I wanted to share with you their story

Watch the episode where they join me to talk about: 
• Steps they took to make 2024 their breakthrough year
• Leverage tools they used along the way
• What they wished they did differently

So enjoy, and please consider subscribing and liking the episode! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- to accelerate to financial freedom and move toward the life they desire. 🙏


💬 Get on our Priority list to be notified about upcoming investment opportunities with GW Capital:

Join my 3-Day Live Coaching Event: 10X Your Financial Freedom with Real Estate and learn the exact strategies I used to:
👉 Build a recession-proof real estate portfolio
👉 Save hundreds of thousands in taxes
👉 Start living the life YOU want—sooner than you think

Register Here:

🌎 Reach out to Param 

So enjoy, and please consider subscribing and liking the episode! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- to accelerate to financial freedom and move toward the life they desire. 🙏


💬 Get on our Priority Investor list to be notified about upcoming investment opportunities with GW Capital:

Interested in learning more about taking back control of your time and income by building your real estate portfolio the right way? Get on the waitlist for the next cohort of Creating Generational Freedom:

🌎 Reach out to Param

• Website


