Generational Wealth MD

Bullet-Proofing Your Buy Box - Due Diligence for Passive Investors

Param Baladandapani MD

If you’re venturing into passive real estate investing, it’s hard to fight the temptation to invest like your friend who doubled his money in 18 months when he invested a few years ago, or to invest with someone you like!

And there’s nothing wrong with that inherently, except -

“One size doesn’t fit all.”

Often we end up:

❌ over diversifying to hedge our bets (thereby diluting returns & over-complicating our portfolio)
❌ our investments end up out of alignment with our long-term vision

Join me as we deep dive into building your unique BUY BOX 📦 & using it as your North Star 🌟 every time you pick an investment opportunity

✅ Factoring in your goals, resources & risk appetite
✅ And using a personalized a due diligence checklist
✅ With a deeper understanding of your investor persona 🙇‍♀️ - are you a Safety Seeker, Planner, or an Entrepreneur?


💬 Get on our Priority list to be notified about upcoming investment opportunities with GW Capital:

🏘️ Invest in GW Capital’s newest offering, Stewart’s Mills: 188-unit value-add asset located right outside of Atlanta with a 95% occupancy and 16-18% AAR making it a stable investment opportunity. Learn more here:

⏰ Interested in learning more about taking back control of your time and income by building your real estate portfolio the right way? Get on the waitlist for the next cohort of Creating Generational Freedom:

🌎 Reach out to Param
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• LinkedIn

Interested in learning more about taking back control of your time and income by building your real estate portfolio the right way? Join the 10X your Freedom FREE Virtual 3-Day event:

So enjoy, and please consider subscribing and liking the episode! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- to accelerate to financial freedom and move toward the life they desire. 🙏


💬 Get on our Priority Investor list to be notified about upcoming investment opportunities with GW Capital:

Interested in learning more about taking back control of your time and income by building your real estate portfolio the right way? Get on the waitlist for the next cohort of Creating Generational Freedom:

🌎 Reach out to Param

• Website


